Step into Reality History
This website guides you to the locations of heroism and tragedy, political stands, battles, and military camps of the American Revolution in North Carolina. It also covers famous pre-war protestors called the Regulators. Though accuracy is our top goal, the emphasis is on stories and people, not facts and dates. The drama of the war was as riveting as anything on reality TV today, so think of this as “Reality History!”
What You Can Do Here
AmRevNC is intended both for day trippers looking for someplace to go on a nice afternoon, and vacationers wanting multi-day adventures. For more than 90 locations ranging from battles to graves, you get information to help you drive there and walking directions once you arrive. The locations are broken into:
- Sights—Locations where you can see, and often stand, where the drama happened. Each “Sight” page provides context to help you understand what led up to the event(s) there and then describes what you would have seen at the time.
- Stops—Shorter pages about homes, graves, and events there aren’t many details about (such as the exact location).
You also will find short biographies and other background information to answer other questions your visits my raise.
Location pages have some photos for the sake of people who cannot travel. To help those with mobility issues decide whether to visit, accessibility information appears on each page. The website should be useful to teachers and students in the classroom or at home. But we hope to inspire you to experience the history where it happened if you can.
Please hit the road and enjoy your trip back to the exciting and tragic days of revolution in America!